Project Management

Project Management

In Simple Words

Project Management is act of making any viable idea from concept to life and with series of actions and activities that are initiating, planning, executions, monitor, closure, and handover or launching it to the customer.

Why do we need it? And What are the examples?

It’s important; Because it helps ensure that desire outcome is achievable, provide visibilities on what are the cost to get it done, what are the benefits and monitor what are the risk, issues, getting it delivered on-time, under budget, managing vendor and third-party contractor and management reporting.

Example of Project Management

For example: opening a new branch for a business unit which involves one or multiple projects.

Let’s get into some details on what are the project management or project delivery life cycle. As I mentioned earlier that project is managed through different series of actions, so I will quickly explain here what those in brief.


Once an idea has been captured, Discussed, Agreed and turned out as a meaningful Goal, we do the project phasing as per the project lifecycle.
For example: From phase one (start of the project to) phase five or last phase (closure of the project) and Project Manager play a key role to manage other aspects of the project.
Let’s find out what are these phases.

So, this was the project and how it has been managed.

Before I go, I would like to add one more thing.

It’s about Project Governance and Assurance process which is also applied and followed in many companies and organizations and it’s important and useful.

Project Governance and Assurance; ensure when project is following best practices and complying with its project delivery methodology (according to the company policy and procedures) and all of project’s phases (start to finish) have been signed-off by relevant team or by key stakeholder.

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